Take the
#66Days Pledge

Stay active, share a photo, win prizes.

As proponents of health and fitness, we want to incentivize you to keep your resolutions on play, not pause, which is why we’re giving away $5,000 in prizes.


No purchase necessary to enter or win. A purchase does not increase the chances of winning. Read rules

Hard Work
Deserves a Reward

Here's the drill.

  1. Take the pledge and stay active for 66 Days (January 2nd - March 8th)
  2. Upload a photo of yourself being active to Social Media using the hashtag #66Days and tag us @66Audio
  3. We'll select our top 10 photos and reward the posters with prizes like Apple iPhones, Apple Watches, BTS Pro headphones, Amazon Echos, $50 Amazon Gift Cards and much more
  4. Follow us on Instagram

Why 66 Days?

A little thing called science.
That's why.

Since the 1960s, we’ve been fooled into thinking that it took 21 days to make habits stick. This dated number was based on the minimum time it would take to form a healthy habit—everything from quitting smoking to stretching in the morning.

In 2009, some scientists in London questioned this and took a new sample over a longer period of time.

Some people took a shorter time to form a habit, while others took much longer. The average time it took, when all was said and done, was none other than 66 days. Learn more here.

Pretty serendipitous that the time it takes to form a healthy habit coincides with a brand focused on health and wellness, no?

New Habits Form New Habits Form
Research Proven Method Research Proven

Don't Go It Alone

Designed for fitness—whether running, cycling, lifting, blading, boarding or skating—their incredible sound is there to keep your motivation operating at peak levels. Workout-ready and habit-inducing.

This Campaign is open only to those who follow the steps referenced above and who are 18 years of age or older. This Campaign is only open to legal residents of the United States and is void where prohibited by law. Entries will be accepted online start on January 2, 2017 and ending March 08, 2017. The Campaign must be entered by submitting a photo using Social Media. The entry must fulfill all Campaign requirements set forth above. Entries that are incomplete or do not adhere to the rules or specifications may be disqualified at the sole discretion of 66 Audio, LLC. The Winners of the Campaign will receive a variety of prizes listed above. The prize is nontransferable. Acceptance of prize constitutes permission for 66 Audio, LLC to use Winner’s name, likeness, and entry for purposes of advertising and trade without further compensation, unless prohibited by law. The odds of winning depend on the number of eligible entries received. Winner will be selected by a random drawing under the supervision of 66 Audio, LLC. Winner will be notified by email and/or direct message within five (5) days following selection of Winner. 66 Audio, LLC shall have no liability for Winner’s failure to receive notices due to spam, junk e-mail or other security settings. If winner cannot be contacted, is ineligible, fails to claim the prize within 10 days from the time award notification was sent, the prize may be forfeited and an alternate Winner selected. The information submitted with an entry is subject to the Privacy Policy stated on the 66 Audio, LLC website. To read the Privacy Policy, click here. This Campaign is governed by the laws of the State of California without respect to conflict of law doctrines.

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