What devices are compatible with my BTS Pro?
Most Bluetooth® devices are fully-compatible with your new BTS Pro. Some devices have been shown to perform significantly better than others during extensive testing in our labs. This is mainly related to newer Bluetooth radios with optimized software. Please see our “Built for Wireless” section for more information.
How can I improve the performance of my BTS Pro?
The BTS Pro has been meticulously engineered and tested to perform better than any sports headphone in the world today. But there are always a few steps you can take to maximize performance from your paired device:
- Ensure you are using the latest operating system (OS) version provided by your device manufacturer.
- Ensure you are not using heavy, thick protective cases during uses.
- Ensure you are not using your headphones in heavy-interference areas (such as near cell towers or on airplanes).
- Ensure your device is not low on memory and connected to other Bluetooth devices.
- Ensure that you restart your device when issues occur to clean the memory stack.
- Ensure you are within the operating range of the BTS Pro.
- Ensure your BTS Pro is at least 50% charged for maximum performance.
How do I mute the microphone on my BTS Pro when on a phone call?
To mute an active call on your BTS Pro, press and hold the Volume - button until you hear a short tone. Conversely, to un-mute the call, press and hold the Volume + button until you hear a short tone.
How do I end a call on my BTS Pro?
To end an active call on your BTS Pro, press and hold the Multifunction Button for around 2 seconds until you hear a short tone and the call is dropped.
How do I open the USB charging port?
Simply use your nail to open to the USB charging port using the small channel below the rubber gasket. It may take a few tries.
The rubber USB gasket is extra tight for water proofing reasons and to ensure IPX certification.
Is the BTS Pro compatible with the Peloton cycle?
As of 1/1/2017, Peloton's software and hardware do not support newer Bluetooth 4.2 audio devices. The Peloton system uses an older Bluetooth radio and software stack which leads to choppy audio. Should Peloton update their system, we will change our FAQ to reflect this.